Are you looking to get ahead on your retirement savings or build new, reliable streams of income through trading? You could be…
10-Time trading championship winner Chuck Hughes
reveals how he started with just a $4,600
bank roll
two years later was sitting on a $460,000 windfall
Chuck allows you to watch over his
shoulder to discover how
he secured financial
freedom for
himself and his
(and it all started with one trade)
Wall Street has convinced the world it takes all day and night, slaving in front of the computer…
Memorizing spreadsheets and constantly computing complex algorithms to make money through trading…
But the truth is…
You could be a lot closer than you think, just by using a system that is proven and easy to follow.
Hi, my name is Terry Walker, and today I’m going to introduce you to a former Air Force pilot who turned into a trading legend…

His name is Chuck Hughes, and he’s perfected an easy-to-follow two-step process to regularly locate smart, high-upside trades in the market, regardless of what direction it’s moving.
A process that allowed him to build a $460,000 fortune in just his first two years of trading back in 1985…
And he started with just one trade and $4,600.

This is a proven method he’s honed over 35 years and used to win 10 trading championships (two of those were during an economic collapse)…
According to a Newswire article:
“[Chuck’s] innovative approaches have garnered exceedingly positive returns in more than two decades of implementation.”
Chuck Hughes is seen by many to be the most accurate investor in America when it comes to trading the stock market…
And he has proved it by building himself and his family real, lasting wealth.
Now, Chuck’s
some fad or hack that exploits some loophole that will eventually be closed…
Chuck Has Dominated the Market
for Over 26 Years
Chuck’s trading championships are spread out over two decades.
And that’s important…
Because the trouble with many trading systems is… they only work for a short time.
Most systems are only designed to work in either a bear or bull market.
But Chuck’s system has successfully weathered all types of market conditions.
And this versatility has allowed Chuck to stay razor sharp for nearly 27 years and counting.
And it’s not by luck.
No one stays lucky for a quarter century.
Reality is… while most traders are scrambling trying to guess which way the markets are likely to move…
Chuck has created a method…
A simple, easy-to-understand two-step system…
Which will consistently identify smart, high-upside trades in all market conditions.
Take a few seconds to think about all the curveballs the market has thrown over the past two decades…
Two grueling bear markets.
The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Terrorist attacks on our country.
Volatility rotating between spikes higher and years down in the basement.
None of these derailed Chuck’s systems.
Let’s look at the bear market that defined the great recession from 2007–2009.
During arguably the hardest three-year period for investors in the past two decades…
Chuck’s system still helped him come out on top.
Even while the vast majority of traders were getting crushed.
According to Forbes, the average investor lost 49% in the “safe” S&P 500 during the Great Recession of 2007–2009…
Let’s break that down.
If the average investor had $10,000 invested in the S&P 500…
That would have been sliced nearly in half over just three short years…
To just $5,100.
Over that same time period, Chuck’s trading systems vaulted him to multiple trading championships, where he posted triple-digit returns!
That’s right, in 2007, Chuck took the title while posting a 229% return.
And he did it again in 2009 with an impressive 122% return!
As a matter of fact…
If you had followed Chuck’s advisory services during that time…
You could have been able to capture a 233% return!

That’s enough to turn every $10,000 into an extraordinary $33,300.
So, while most investors would have been reeling from a crippling body blow to their account…
You could have come out of the Great Recession sitting pretty with a massive gain in your portfolio.

And here’s the thing…
Chuck’s system doesn’t just work when there’s a bear market…
It smashes the market when it’s moving higher as well.
You don’t have to look too far back to see how well it does…
In 2017, the S&P 500 returned 18%…
More than doubling the average return in the index for the past 61 years…
That was good enough to turn every $10,000 invested into $11,800…
But it paled in comparison to what Chuck’s advisory service was able to bring home.
Had you been following Chuck’s advisory service at the time…
You could have pocketed a 226% gain instead…

Turning every $10,000 invested into a solid $32,600 in just one year!

That’s enough to put a down payment on a new vacation home…

Or give your grandchildren the head start you always wanted for them…

And finally, let’s take a look at 2019…
Chuck started a brand-new advisory service on October 30th with a small group of traders…
And the results were simply amazing…
Chuck’s new service brought home an INCREDIBLE 38.4% over the last two months of the year...
That’s over 6 X the return of the S&P 500’s 6.35% return for the same time period…
And more than the S&P 500 gained the entire year!

These examples show you firsthand how powerful Chuck’s system is in both up and down markets.
What’s the key to his long-term success trading in the markets?
Being able to consistently identify smart, high-upside trades in all types of markets.
And it’s no surprise…
That with this steady income source that he’s learned to tap almost on demand…
Chuck’s been able to build the ultimate lifestyle, and he wants to share how…
From a big, beautiful house on the Central Coast of California…

To his second home in Hawaii…

The biggest gift is the autonomy that only true financial freedom brings.
Because Chuck is now able to live life on his terms…
He’s never on a deadline and doesn’t have to do anything or be anywhere he doesn’t want to… ever.
If he wants to play tennis, go on a hike, spend time with his family, travel… whatever it is…

Chuck and his family completing The Run in the Name of Love

Chuck and his wife in Newport, Rhode Island

Family time! Chuck with his wife and six children
He has the financial means and, more importantly, the time to do it…
Because let’s be real here — what good is having money without the time to enjoy it?
Listen… Chuck knows he’s been blessed…
And that’s why he’s bringing this life-changing system to everyone who is wanting to put in the effort to learn….
Now, Chuck Is Opening Up His Proven System for Everyone From Brand-New to Veteran Traders…
Chuck has lifted the curtain to show every detail about how he
identifies the
right trades, when to get in and when to get out.
If you’re looking for a way to get ahead on
retirement savings, or looking to bring in additional income through trading, then Chuck has a special
for you.
Chuck is extending a special invitation to a small group of people to learn his most powerful trading
directly from the man himself.
He’s calling it the…
Thunderbird Options Course

This is a one-of-a-kind chance to look directly over Chuck’s shoulder as he walks through his entire process, step by step on video.
You now have the exclusive opportunity to learn directly from Chuck himself and see how he profits year after year, through all market conditions.
Chuck has broken down his most powerful system, known as PowerTrend® investing, into five separate videos.
This gives you unbridled access to his top winning system all in one place.
And after you’ve gone through this masterclass in trading, you’ll never look at the markets the same way again.
That’s because you’ll be armed with a secret weapon most ordinary investors only dream of…
It’s a special power to see profit opportunities jump out from normal stock charts….
You’ll be able to quickly and confidently take full advantage of stocks setting up for explosive moves…
While easily dismissing those stocks that don’t meet the criteria of the PowerTrend system.
This is your opportunity to look over Chuck’s shoulder as he guides you step by step through this championship blueprint.
In other words…
You’ll finally know how to spot the high probability trades to take...

...while being able to sidestep the stinkers.

No one else is showing you how to spot these amazing opportunities, because I believe no one has the battle tested — and proven — experience Chuck has.
And here’s the best part…
The total running time on this master class is under one hour.
That’s right!
In less time than it takes to watch an episode of Blue Bloods…
Chuck breaks down the same trading strategies that vaulted him to multiple trading championships across two decades!
Read what a few of Chuck’s students have to say about the Thunderbird Options
For the first time in many years, I am sincerely optimistic about being able to place profitable
(2 of the
3 I have already placed are profitable so far). Just having these positive feelings has me energized and
planning ahead as to how to remove and minimize the “red” in my trading account while watching the
grow by placing smarter trades.
— Karen M.
Something clicked in me by the time I got done in the course. It all makes sense to me now. AND I
confident in your system. I took several pages of notes and now have a handy guide for myself to follow.
also developed a
spreadsheet to
keep track of my trades.
— James L.
I finished the Thunderbird Options Course in one night. I loved it! It’s so
simple, yet
brilliant. That was just before the end of October, so I took advantage and placed a couple of trades on
I had several ideas, and most of them passed the first two tests (trend and buy zone) but not the third
Only two ideas ended up making the final cut, and as of 11/7, they’re both up — one of them by 50%! So,
excited about the potential of these monthly trades going forward.
— Ben R.
Quite simply…
This blueprint is hands down the fastest way to learn Chuck’s most powerful system.
So, Why Now?
It’s the most obvious question:
Why did Chuck create the Thunderbird Options Course, and why is he sharing it
people now after all of these years?
Well, there are two reasons…
First, there are many people who like to learn something new by watching an expert do it. The blueprint allows you to watch and follow along so that you can learn by DOING…
Chuck says that’s how he learns and teaches best.
That’s why Chuck decided for the first time that he’d record himself walking through his PowerTrend® investing system to show exactly how he selects every trade he takes.
The second reason is even more compelling.
You see, Chuck has published many trading books throughout his career…
Each book is valuable and
easy to
read, and they are must haves for any trader…
But for reasons he doesn’t like to publicly discuss, he’s never shared all of his findings, research and techniques all in one place in this format before.
And now he’s ready to open up and share!
The Thunderbird Options Course reveals the “secret sauce” behind his amazing run of trading options.
Chuck told me this has become the most important part of his trading, and it’s a rule he never breaks.
Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to get this “secret sauce”…
How Big of a Deal Is This?
In my opinion, this “secret sauce” is what separates Chuck’s way from anything else I’ve ever seen.
As I’ve shown… thanks to Chuck’s trademarked system…
Waiting for a big move in the markets to time a profitable trade will be a thing of the past…
Remember, Chuck started out with a $4,600 trading account…
And had extraordinary gains of $460,000 in his first two years of trading!
However, in the Thunderbird Options Course, Chuck’s going to pull back the curtain on this special strategy…
The Market Makers Will Hate Chuck for Giving Away This Secret…
For anyone who has traded options before and had inconsistent results, or anyone hesitant to start trading them…
Chuck created this blueprint to put the worries to rest once and for all.
Options often get a bad rap, mostly because they are so misunderstood and confusing.
This is done on purpose by the market-makers and those who run the exchanges.
Confusion is how they make their money, by fleecing less-experienced investors who don’t know any better…
The fact is, without a time-tested, reliable system, the odds are heavily stacked against anyone without years of experience.
Said another way, most people learn the hard way. By losing money in their early years of trading.
But when options are traded the way Chuck reveals in the Thunderbird Options Course, the table is completely flipped.
There’s Nothing Shady or Illegal About This System…
But the market-makers severely lose their edge as the PowerTrend® investing system helps part the clouds of confusion…
With that being said, I want to be clear about something:
Every type of investing carries a certain level of risk, so you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
While Chuck’s system is good for all levels of investors, earnings potential will depend on how much capital is invested up front.
Now, obviously, no strategy is perfect… anyone who claims otherwise is playing their customers for a fool. So there will be losers along the way.
But given Chuck’s performance over 35 years, I can’t imagine a strategy that has been more consistent in
Keep reading, and in a minute I’ll tell you how you can get access to the
Thunderbird Options Course ($499 value), but first…
Chuck has included a few extras that make his system world class and one of a kind…
He’s Also Including a FREE Copy of Trade Like Chuck ($24 Value)

Take a look at Chuck’s insider’s guide to successfully tackling the stock market.
Inside, Chuck opens the vault to reveal his systems to trading success, including:
The best way to hunt for income among stocks you already own (it’s NOT dividends!) — Page 91…
The keys to quickly identifying buy and sell signals, a key component in long-term trading success (doing it any other way almost always results in an incomplete picture) — Page 25…
Systems to identify high-upside opportunities in your trading while protecting your downside (Chuck does it while sitting on the beach in Hanalei, Hawaii) — Page 109…
The forces Chuck believes really drive stocks higher and lower (it’s NOT the drivel the highly paid analysts and pundits are constantly spewing) — Page 14…
The one time when buying a stock could be the worst thing to do (heeding this advice will greatly increase the odds of selecting a profitable trade) — Page 30…
And that’s just for starters.
Inside this 191-page book, you’ll discover some of the top trading techniques on earth…
Techniques that can change your financial future.
This book has so much knowledge, and I want to make sure that all students of the Thunderbird Options Course have access to it so badly, that…
We’re including it for FREE when you take advantage of this special opportunity.
This book, paired with the Thunderbird Options Course, makes it possible for you to become a smarter trader even if you’re not any of the following:
You do NOT need to be a day trader…
You don’t need to be a “computer whiz” or spend a lot of time in front of the computer…
And you do NOT need any knowledge of the markets…
Heck, it doesn’t take a huge investment to get started, either.
By following the simple templates Chuck lays out…
Students could be on their way to identifying smart, high-upside trades in as quickly as a few days!
“I think it’s a good combination for choosing stocks or ETFs and protecting portfolios.”
“All the negative reviews will let you in on a little secret about people’s delusions. This is all you need to be successful trading options, but people make it a lot more complicated than it has to be. Chuck does give away the secret to picking what option to buy and write, if you just pay attention. It is simple, but it isn’t easy! Because most people would not be successful at this if you wrote the instructions on a billboard.”
“Great read! The information in the book has put me on the path to successful trading!”
“Shame on you if you lose money reading this book…”
Readers will also discover how Chuck used these same systems to claim multiple trading championships against some of the toughest competition in the world.

Inside This Groundbreaking Book, Readers Will Discover Chuck’s Most Treasured Secrets, Including:
The counterintuitive logic Chuck has used to keep his trades razor sharp for more than two decades (this is EXACTLY why not every trade needs to be a big winner) — Page 65…
Why successful trade percentage is the least important metric in trading! (Chuck shows how to be wrong nine out of 10 times and still make money) — Page 67…
Discover how “Double Dipping” can open the door to squeezing more out of a position you’re already holding — Page 115…
How to spot Chuck’s favorite high-probability buy signal (and how to swiftly execute the trade) — Page 35…
And if you keep reading for just a few more minutes, I’ll reveal exactly how to get a copy.
But first, I want to address something Chuck asked me to bring up…
With so many trading books clamoring for your attention, why should you spend your time reading Trade Like Chuck?
Well, for starters, Chuck’s eye-opening book exposes two of the biggest misconceptions Wall Street has tried to push on the American public.
Misconception #1: Trading Is Too Complicated for Newbies

Trading is complicated and takes years of training.
While we’ve all been told this…
Chuck is convinced it simply isn’t true!
And he’s proved it with his incredible success story…
He took the safety-first mentality he learned from flying and carried it over to his trading right from the beginning.
When Chuck first started trading, he scraped together $4,600 to fund his account for his first trade…
It was money he simply couldn’t afford to lose, or he’d be out of trading as quickly as he came in…
But Chuck knew in order to succeed, he had to stack the odds in his favor…
So he developed a system that was easy for him to understand, to guide his trading decisions.
The key behind this system (which you’ll discover in Chuck’s book) revolves around selecting high-upside stocks to trade along with understanding how to identify a low risk entry point to get in…
Chuck’s entire methodology is built from the ground up with a conservative loss-conscious approach that helps identify smart, high-opportunity trades.
Trade Like Chuck hands you these same systems he’s used over his 35 years of trading.
Misconception #2: You Need a Crystal Ball To Be Successful…

When most people read Trade Like Chuck, this really blows their mind.
At first, it seems counterintuitive, but Chuck breaks down why trying to predict the future is the downfall of most traders…
Fact is, it’s very difficult to predict the future with any measure of consistency.
Chuck wrote this book because he was flat-out disgusted by what he’d seen from so-called gurus and educators who did nothing more than make wild predictions about what was going to happen next in the market.
Whether it’s calling a high or low in the market…
Claiming they have inside information a stock is going to get bought out…
Or making a prediction of blowout earnings…
It’s almost always just guessing with nothing truly tangible and proven to lean against.
They’re just gambling with the hopes they catch a big winner, so they can live off the story for the next several years.
Now, of course, the stock market is traded on speculation, so there is no way to guarantee which direction it’s going to move, or which stocks will overperform.
But the systems revealed in Trade Like Chuck break down how to find smart, high-upside trades, without relying on speculative “gambles.”
Then, it reveals how to strategically time trades by using Chuck’s favorite indicator…
This combination is the difference-maker.
Frankly, without both of these, traders almost always struggle to make consistent gains.
No Predictions or Guesswork
Just to be clear…
This book isn’t based on theories or predictions of what’s coming next in the market.
It’s a step-by-step guide for how to identify smart, high-upside trades through any economic climate and market condition by simply using what the market is already doing as an advantage…
These systems can help traders of any experience level (even zero experience), so there is no “relying on hunches” and guessing where the market is going next.
Chuck credits his success in the markets to his discipline and his attention to detail, using math and technical data alone to make his big decisions…
BOTTOM LINE: Never get caught flat-footed again with Chuck’s way to systematically trade the stock market.
With this book in hand, trading becomes an entirely different ballgame.
Let’s Recap
The Thunderbird Options Course isn’t just another trading course. It’s an entire trading research toolkit that lays the foundation for your financial future.
And with Trade Like Chuck, you’ll have the playbook of a millionaire trader and
By now you can clearly see either one of these tools puts you miles ahead of the pack…
But together, you’ll have the same 1-2 punch of the processes and information Chuck’s been using for
over 35
years to crush the market year after year.
It couldn’t get much easier than
like having Chuck sit right beside you while you make your trades.
Here’s the next step…
Join the Thunderbird Options Course Now While Enrollment Is Open
Video trainings like this can easily sell for hundreds of dollars.
And a “look over the shoulder” video training course from a 10-time trading champion would be an absolute steal at a $499 value…
Because think about it — how many successful trades would it take to recoup that investment?
But today you won’t pay anywhere close to that…
That’s right, we’re making the Thunderbird Options Course available right now as a part of this special offer for just…
No, that’s not a misprint. It’s a MASSIVE savings today.
This is the absolute lowest price the Thunderbird Options Course will ever be offered at.
So, for less than the price of a decent dinner out for one…
Chuck is extending this opportunity to show you exactly how he identifies smart, high-upside stocks to trade…
When to put the trade on…
And how he zeroes in on the exact option to buy.
Click Here To Enroll NowNothing Is Held Back Here…
For anyone who places an order today, everything mentioned above will become instantly available, to start trading exactly like Chuck.
There are no recurring charges, and it includes lifetime access to this amazing content with no restrictions on how many times it can be watched.
Now, Chuck has his own reasons for offering this course at such a low introductory investment…
He wants your feedback.
Since this is the first time he’s offered the Thunderbird Options Course in this way…
He wants to know what you think about what he taught, what he could do better…
And most of all, he wants to hear about his students’ results!
So, as a part of this special offer, he’s included a few extra bonuses!
Bonus Blueprint “Cheat Sheets” (Valued at $59 — Yours FREE)
You won’t ever have to worry about forgetting the three principles behind Chuck’s trading system…
When you enroll today, we’ll send you four cheat sheets that you can use for years to keep yourself consistent…
Why four?
Three of your cheat sheets will outline the principles behind the PowerTrend system… post them on your wall or keep them on your desk until they sink in…
And the last is an easy-to-use fill-in-the-blanks sheet you can use again and again to determine if a trade fits into Chuck’s system…
After you’ve done it a few times, it becomes easy as pie…
The best part? All of the formulas and examples are right there in front of you, so you don’t have to flip through a book or rewatch a video over and over…

Bonus Video — Position Your Portfolio for Success With Chuck’s “Ace Up the Sleeve”
(Valued at
$67 —
Yours FREE)
Chuck decided to include a special video where he breaks down the technique he uses to zero in on the high profit potential and low risk option to trade every single time — this is the “secret sauce” I told you about earlier.
This additional video reveals the keystone to the entire foundation of his trades. Without it, his portfolio could crumble.
Chuck wanted to be sure everyone who signed up for the Thunderbird Options Course had the same tools he used for winning his multiple trading championships and maintaining such a high pedigree over the years…
So, he recorded a special video revealing what he calls “the ace up his sleeve”…
Chuck has used this strategy in competitive trading to fortify his trades on the way to his multiple trading championships.
It’s one of the tricks the big traders will never reveal…
But Chuck is handing it over on a silver platter!

An Incredible Trading Analysis Toolkit at an Insanely Low Price!
Here’s a review of everything included when you place your order today:
- Online and immediate access to the Thunderbird Options Course, including the amazing “secret sauce” technique Chuck uses to help identify the right option every time — $499
- A copy of Trade Like Chuck — $24
- PLUS, cheat sheets that outline all three steps of the PowerTrend system — $59
- And, a bonus trade-management video where Chuck reveals how he fortifies his trades to position them for consistent success — $67
That’s over $649 in value…
For just a single investment of only $49 today.
There’s no ongoing payments and no membership to cancel. You get it all for just one low investment.

How To Enroll
Enrollment is open for the Thunderbird Options Course online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
To place an order over the phone, just call our friendly customer service team at 888-233-1431 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday, and speak to someone live and in person.
Or click the button below to enroll online!
Click Here To Enroll NowOur No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
We’ve added one last, massive benefit for anyone who takes advantage of this lowest-price offer…
Enrollment in the master class today comes with our 90-day “love it or leave it” guarantee policy.
That means anyone who purchases this bundle will have 90 days to test-drive the book and master class. If for whatever reason you’re not completely delighted, simply give us a call, and we’ll rush your $49 back in full… and you can even keep the book!
No holdbacks. No questions. No delays.
This lowest-priced offer is also a promise that if you are not happy, we don’t want your money!
We ship our all orders the next business day, but once a purchase is completed, immediate online access to the master class and bonuses is unlocked, so you don’t have to wait to get started…
Terry Walker
Managing Editor
Review Your Subscription
Q: How do I watch the Thunderbird Options Course? Are the videos sent on Blu-ray or a memory stick?
A: The blueprint videos are on a website, which becomes immediately available for anyone who signs up. There’s nothing to download, and they can be watched anywhere an internet connection is available!
Q: Are there any future charges to access the course?
A: Absolutely not! One payment today of just $49 gives you immediate, unlimited, lifetime access to the Thunderbird Options Course and bonus video. The book and cheat sheets will be mailed to you.
Q: Is this just a disguised pitch to have Chuck manage my money?
A: Chuck doesn’t manage anyone’s money but his own. If anyone contacts you claiming to be from Chuck’s office asking to manage your money, hang up the phone.
Q: What if I don’t like the book or blueprint?
A: Chuck stands behind this book and the blueprint, and we stand behind Chuck. In the rare case you’re not completely delighted with the book and master class, simply give us a call at 888-233-1431 Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern time, within the first 90 days and let us know. We’ll rush you a full refund. PLEASE NOTE: Access to the Thunderbird Options Course, including the bonus videos, will immediately be suspended once you cancel.